Ben Franklin once said “If you would not be forgotton as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” It is my hope to accomplish both in this life and it is in this spirit that I begin this blog.
Those that know me are aware that I am an all or nothing sort of girl. I tend to throw myself whole-heartedly into my commitments believing that anything worth my attention is worth my full attention. Where this has proven beneficial in many areas in my life, I am learning it is not practical in all areas. I have tried committing to writing before and have set goals and pressures to produce something new every day. It was like trying to run a marathon before first learning how to walk. My 365 Grateful Project took me fourteen months to complete, and that was with my typical extreme focus and dedication. The purpose of this blog is not intended to be a daily reflection, but more like a couch to 5k sort of training program. My goal is to commit to at least one entry a month hoping I am constantly moving forward discovering new things to write and share about; hoping I am able to embrace and overcome my own fears and vulnerability associated with a full sharing of self. Most importantly, it is a platform of sharing. Writing is something I have always enjoyed, but the sharing of my writing is quite a different story. The thought of others reading reflections of my thoughts or passions has always been a huge producer of anxiety and source of both physical and mental fear.
Last night I had the awesome opportunity to listen to 5 “rock stars of fitness” speak about “kicking fear in the face” as part of the Tadasana Talks at Lululemon in Southpark. Five inspirational and motivational speakers offered five completely unique perspectives. One common thread throughout the sharings was that fear is without a doubt something we all experience. It is through our awareness of our fears and a willingness to allow them to be a foundation for faith that helps us transform them into something that moves us forward rather than something that leaves us paralyzed. The talks were the final cumulative piece pushing me to do what author/researcher Brene Brown so perfectly describes as “Daring Greatly” and begin this new soul-sharing adventure. And so it begins here in this arena with me kicking fear in the face. Write on.
With Peace and Gratitude,
Photo: Katie Dixon of Kadi Fit shares her story of overcoming fear during the Tadasana Talks at Lululemon in Southpark